Tuesday 12 June 2012

 This blog will teach you how to create 

your very own pen holder. 

Project duration: 4 hours approximately (if worked on continuously).

Project cost: Approximately $35 for a MDF sheet of wood, $8 for  PVA glue and about $2 for a small bottle of paint.

Level of difficulty: This project is quite simple if you have all the equipment available to you. If your design is complicated it may be harder and may take longer.

The quality of this project is average as if you take more care in
making it, it may last longer.

Historical Research
An important part of any project is getting started. To get started you need to know what you are doing, and part of this is knowing the historical background of the object you are making. There are some important facts about pen holders that will help you get a better understanding of them. 

Types of Pens

Your Activity:

Listen to the youtube video and Complete the pen types quiz below.


Note: iPad users will need to download 'rover' free from the app store so that the iPad can handle the flash. 

Historical Activity 3

Pen holders come in different shapes and sizes. Some can be just simple, while other can be ancient looking, digital, reused or unique.

Have a look at this video as a example and create your on video.
·      Pictures you have taken of different types of pen holders you can find.
·      Explain what each picture is of. 


IMovie is recommended to create and edit your video .

Most people think that why do we need to have concepts or that they can make their pen holder without even having a concept. But if you start making your pen holder without a concept you may end up with uneven sides to your pen holder or it may not turn out the way you had planned  it in your head. If, you had done a concept in it you would have planned out exactly what your design will be, what the measurement will be of the pen holder and you would have come up with a design that was presentable.

When starting your concepts it is important to draw a couple of designs so after you can choose the best one. In each design you will need to have the measurements, what material you will be making it out of and what colour you will have it.

Here is an example of what a design should have:

The Endangered Pen Holder
Technology is advancing rapidly in today's modern society, and convention items are being replaced by newer, flasher, better, multi-capable objects. The faithful pen holder is now at risk from this advancement.

Right from the invention of the typewriter pen holders became at risk. Why write out something that could instead be typed in even, neat handwriting? Thankfully these typewriters were expensive, and in most cases it was faster and easier just to write it, so the penholder was full of plenty of pens.

Then the coloured pencils started being sold in packets that were perfect for holding the pencils, and even came with a pencil sharpener slot. After this idea, many pen holders became filled with only plain pencils and pens.  

The computer made a big difference as people could type everything easily and print it quickly. With the typed craze sweeping through, the poor pencils and pens were demoted.

Then came the internet. The life changing, era starting world-wide web where anybody can send a message to anybody else and have them receive it in under a second. Everything went online, and pens and pencils were used even less.

The newest addition to the anti-pen holder technology is the invention of iPads, iPod touches and other touch devices where people can just write with their bare hands, not needing pencils or pens. Applications were created with plenty of different pencils, pens, crayons, highlighters and many other writing tools perfectly sorted and ready at the touch. Suddenly writing tools were available in so many different colours, and some apps even enable mixing the colours like real paints.

So with all these technologies available, what will become of the pen holder? Will the next invention completely eradicate the need for pens and pencils, and so make the pen holder useless?

Have a look at these YouTube videos below:

Concept task 1- Shapes
Shapes come in all different types of sizes, for example some are round while others are square. There are lots of shapes that you can use to make your pen holder, such as circle, cylinder, square, cube, star or even a heart. When you create your design you can use more than one shape you do not just have to stick with on shape.

Here are two examples of pen holders that are different shaped:

Download some of these following apps and try design a pen holder of your own.
We recommend these following apps for iPad users:
Drawing notepad
Easy photo doodle drawing
IDraw HD
For laptop users we recommend: